Tips for outdoor Winter photos in the PNW
Tips for outdoor Winter photos in the PNW
Clackamette River Park, nestled in Oregon City, Oregon, just 10 minutes from Portland, is a hidden gem for year-round family photography. This scenic park offers lush green grass during the summer, golden foliage in the fall, evergreen trees in the winter, and vibrant blooms in the spring—making it an ideal spot for capturing timeless family moments. Its versatile beauty provides a stunning backdrop for family photos, maternity sessions, and engagement photography, no matter the season. While the park may get lively on summer weekends with BBQs and gatherings, there’s still plenty of space to find quiet, picturesque spots for photos. If you’re searching for a family photographer in Portland, Oregon, Clackamette River Park offers an accessible, serene location with endless possibilities for stunning images. Whether you’re planning a family session, couples’ portraits, or even pet photography, this park is an excellent choice near the Portland metro area.

This family brought the most amazing dog who really stole the session with cuteness! and It was great getting multiple combinations with the cute doggy. If you bring your dog to a session make sure you bring treats and waste bags.

Tips for outdoor photos during winter in the PNW
Look for a location that has evergreens, no one likes dead dead trees.
Dress appropriate for the weather. If it’s cold out incorporate sweaters, hates, and pants into your outfit.
If you have small kids, go for a more candid sessions with them running around (to stay warm) and only hope for 2-3 posed images. It’s cold and the kids don’t want to stand around and smile while being cold. Its about setting realistic expectations for yourself and your family.
Be very flexible with scheduling: We recommend reaching out when you are ready to go with us, but keeping the shoot date tentative till about a week out, this will ensure a session with good weather. However if you need to have it on a certain day we recommend having an indoor option, or being ok with some rain.
it can be beneficial to look for a location with lots of tree coverage or under a brides such as Cathedral Park in Portland, Oregon. As these locations can give us more options if it does decided to rain.
Bring a clear umbrella and have fun!