Outfit Inspiration Guide for your Couple, Family & Engagement Session in the PNW
Let’s be real, we have a weird sense of style (we love it tho) so for us to be able to give the best advice to look amazing in your photos we got these really cool style guides with tips and examples.
But first a few important things when picking out clothing for your session:
-Pick out clothing that fits properly for your body type (trust us go up on those pants size to get rid of the muffin top, you will thank us later).
-Unless your doing a themed session for a brand, avoid clothing with large logo’s (unless your sponsored by that company and they are paying you some sweet sweet cash)
Pick clothing you both feel comfortable in (this is not a time to try a new style, stick to who you are not who you want to be)
Do a test run in the outfit around the house, try sitting, standing and if you want skipping. And with those shoes, make sure you wear ones that are comfortable as you will be walking some and if your feet hurts it shows (in your facial expression) in photos.
Dress appropriate for the weather, don’t wear heels in the snow (you WILL punch though the snow and it WILL be awful)
Know that your are amazing and valued! (Most of clothing is how you feel, if you feel like a million bucks, you will look like a million bucks)
If you still wanna chat about your outfit let’s do a zoom and dial it in